Well we finally got the shutters on the house. It was something we have been meaning to do, but just didnt have the time/money to do. So, we broke down and did it. This was my mother's day gift. So, here are some before and after pictures. I think it makes a huge difference for the better to "dress up" the outside of the house, what do you think?
These two photos were taken at two different time so that is why the difference in sun....
I know the the pictures of the shutters the lighting is not as good but hopefully you can tell the difference. Matt is really proud of them and wanted me to go ahead and take the pictures and didnt want me to wait till the sun was out more lol!!!
So, just sharing....
Like the shutters! I wish I had some cute window to actually put shutters on. I live in a townhome so I don't really get to fancy it up at all! :)
Looks great! =)
Thanks so much. The pictures of the after were done in not so good light so it actually looks better than it appears. However, I just wanted to share our latest "project" lol!
James said that the trimmed bush on the right makes it look good too. Your house is looking beautiful!
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